Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Great For:
Stimulating collagen
Fighting signs of aging
Scar Reduction
Tightening skin and fullness
Skin tone and complexion
What is PRP?
This is a process in which blood is drawn, then the red and white blood cells are separated from the platelets and concentrated by centrifugation to create a platelet rich plasma.
The platelets contain proteins called growth factors which your body uses for healing and regeneration.
This platelet rich plasma can be used as injections or in combination with a facial treatment to activate cell turnover and boost natural collagen production.
Options for PRP treatments include:
PRP Injections alone
Microneedling with topical PRP (injection add on available)
Radio Frequency Microneedling with topical PRP (injection add on available)
* A complimentary consultation is required for first time clients receiving PRP treatments to assess the skin and ensure the correct treatment is chosen for your specific skin needs.
What to expect:
Your nurse will start by drawing blood from your arm and spinning it in a special machine to isolate the PRP.
She will then extract the PRP to be used.
From here it will either be injected under the skin, used topically with one of our Microneedling treatments, or both!
With each treatment you will receive an extra vial of PRP to take home for after care application. You will be able to return to your normal routine the following day and any swelling will go down within the first few days.